Monster Cookies

Monster Cookies

Cream of the West whole grain Monster Cookies


A monsterously delicious whole grain treat!


3 eggs

1 ½  cup brown sugar

1 cup white sugar

1 tsp vanilla

1tsp honey

2 tsp baking soda

½ cup butter

1 ½ cups peanut butter

4 ½ cups Cream of the West Roasted 7-Grain

1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

1 cup M&M’s or Reese’s Pieces


Preheat oven to 350° In a very large bowl beat the eggs. Add remaining ingredients in order listed. Mixing between each addition.

Using an ice cream scoop, distribute cookie dough on ungreased baking sheet, leaving space between each cookie. Bake for 12 – 15 minutes.

Share cookies with goblins, ghouls and little monsters. :)