LOL: Laughter - The Ultimate Mental Health Elixir!

LOL: Laughter - The Ultimate Mental Health Elixir!

LOL: Laughter - The Ultimate Mental Health Elixir!

In a world where stress levels can rival Montana’s Crazy Peak and anxiety feels like a never-ending ride on a dusty, bumpy backroad, laughter can swoop in like a superhero to calm our inner storms.

We all know that giggles, chuckles, and belly laughs make us feel good, but did you know they’re also fantastic for our well-being? It’s true!  Laughter is a mental health multivitamin that has the magical ability to uplift our spirits, ease stress and even strengthen out immune systems.  Think about it – have you ever had a good laugh and felt tense or anxious afterward?  Not likely!  Laughter has an amazing power to dissolve tension and leave us feeling relaxed and happy.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and it’s the perfect time to dive into a sea of serotonin and splash around in the waves of laughter. So, let’s make a conscious effort to laugh a little louder, smile a little wider, and spread those contagious giggles wherever we go.  Whether it’s sharing jokes with friends, watching a hilarious movie, or simply finding humor in the everyday, let’s embrace the joy that laughter brings.  We wish you a month filled with positive experiences and good vibes all around!

~Crystal Manuel

owner Cream of the West